Monday, April 15, 2013


    Rares. Pix elated items with a "rare" tag. Do they really matter? At one point in my jamaa life, I was obsessed with the rares. I over-traded and went a little rare crazy. Then I realized, they are pixels! Why should I care? I went to the server Aldan and remembered why I was so obsessed. I felt left out when everyone had rares! Everyone should have liked me for who I was, then I went crazy!!! I couldn't resist.

    My tail armor...  that's a whole new story. I started to wear it because it looks cool! Then, the jam-a-grams started loading in. "What for tail?" "My tail for yours?" At first I was like, cool!! I'm a rare person now!! Then the jam-a-grams started to annoy me. So I sent back, "If it's not on my trade im not trading it!" I felt bad because it was being kind of mean to them but it was EXTREMELY annoying!! Did I say was?? They STILL send me those messages.

    The buddying process, proabably the worst point in your rare journey. Everyone wants to buddy you for your rares! They don't care how you act, they just want rares. I have been scammed of my rares before.. people have also tried to scam me! Okay, now back to the topic, you need TRUE friends! Probably the truest friend you will get is when you don't wear ANY rares. You don't need rares to be friends with people! And people don't need buddies with rares. Why not go buddy some new people! They don't have any rares!

    The truth about rares? Here is a conversation I had with a friend:
Awesome Goofyseal: what is the first word that pops in to your head when i say this word:
Awesome Goofyseal: RARES AND RARE PEOPLE
Twinkle Snowyclaw: snobs 
    Thank you friend for that explanation. Now to the next topic! Why do people worship Northernqueen and king? I don't see why having king or queen in your name helps. Oh, wait! It doesn't  the rares that they own make them so famous!! Weird right? NOT. That is normal for the typical rare-loving jammer! People love certain jammers for certain rares right? Yep. Sooooooo true!!!

     The server Aldan is our next subject. Aldan is a server where all of the "cool kids" hang out at. I'm guessing it was northernking and queen that started that but who knows. If I go in there I get a million trade requests. And once I asked, do I have to be rare to be here?? Guess what they answered?? Yes. Yep. They answered yes straight out of their greedy little mouths. Sorry to those who hang out in that server but, really, I'm going to make that the hangout for something else instead of snobs who only worship rares.

     Animal Jam is meant to be a fun place for kids to learn about the real world. Going in Aldan on your first day probably isn't a good idea. Wanna know why? It's like teaching a baby to sware, diving in with all of the rare people. This post is getting really long so I'm gonna have to end it.


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